erasMUSeum Training Module within the scope of 'Digital Erasmus Museum Learning-erasMUSeum' KA227 SCH project numbered 2020-1-SE01-KA227-SCH-092462, has been prepared in order to enable teachers to transform the museum environment into an interdisciplinary teaching environment outside of school, to transform a museum tour into experiential learning skills for students, and to enable families to learn what and how to teach during museum trips with their children. This Training Module has been prepared as the second intellectual output of the project that will continue for 24 months in partnership with Turkey-Misak-i Milli Secondary School, Romania-Colegiul National de Arta "George Apostu" Bacau, Spain-Inercia Digital SL, Greece-Stegi Filotechnon Florinas and Turkey-Anamur District Directorate of National Education under the coordination of Sweden-Paradisskolan. “WELCOME” to the Training Module.
If you are a teacher, please log in to the Teacher Module, create a username, log in to the Teacher Module and start the course with the 'Register for This Course' option. The first two sections consist of Museum Education awareness, and the third section consists of sample practices and basic level necessary documents that will enable you to plan a museum visit for your course step by step.
In ordee to complete the course, you need to have the lessons and contexts and confirm manually that you completed each lesson or context
(click MARK AS DONE)
Welcome to your continuing courses.